2008年11月23日 三重県四日市市総合会館で開催された「第5回 音の出る地図コンテスト」に参加いたしました。「音の出る地図コンテスト」はブンテックNPOグループ「音の泉サロン」が企画し、日本サウンドスケープ協会の例会として開かれているものです。
2008年11月22日 東京都墨田区のすみだ生涯学習センター「ユートリヤ」の天文講演会で「かぐや」の運用や最新の成果について講演を行なってきました。
2008年11月22日 SELENEプロジェクト 奥村
9月29日から10月3日までイギリスのグラスゴーで開催された第59回国際宇宙会議(IAC: International Astronautical Congress)にJAXAとしてブースを出展しました。
国際月探査作業グループ(ILEWG:International Lunar Exploration Working Group)により米国フロリダ州ケープカナベラルで開催された月探査コンファレンス2008において、ILEWGサイエンスアワードを「かぐや」サイエンスチームが受賞しました。
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International Lunar Exploration Awards 2008: who are the winners? 7 Nov. 2008
What are the lunar highlights of the year? The winners of International Lunar Exploration Awards 2008 have just been announced by the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) at a Lunar Explorers Conference in Cape Canaveral. 'The ILEWG Awards celebrate the top lunar achievements in science, technology, international cooperation, community service, commerce and outreach', says Bernard Foing, ILEWG Executive Director.
The ILEWG Science Award is given to JAXA Kaguya science team, for the successful science exploitation of the Kaguya mission after one year of operations, with the publication of unprecedented maps of lunar gravity, topography, surface chemistry and multi-band high resolution images.
The award was presented to Dr Makiko Ohtake (Principal Investigator of Multiband imager on Kaguya).
The ILEWG Technology Award is given to NASA Constellations and LRO/LCROSS teams, for the development of advanced technologies within hard constraints of short time and cost, for the Constellations programme (Orion crew vehicle, Ares Launch vehicle, Altair Lunar Lander), the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and LCROSS Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite.
The prize was presented to Dr Michael Wargo (NASA ESMD), Dr Richard Vondrak (LRO Project scientist) and Dr Gwendolyn Bart representing Dr Tony Colaprete (LCROSS Principal Investigator).
The ILEWG International Cooperation Award is given to ISRO Chandrayaan-1 team, for the challenging accommodation and tests of the most international lunar payload ever (from 20 countries: India, ESA European Space Agency representing 17 European countries, NASA, Bulgaria), with a successful launch of the probe on the PSLV on 22 October 2008 and the upcoming lunar insertion on 8 November.
The prize was presented to Dr D. Karnik, Space Counsellor at the Indian embassy in Washington.
The ILEWG Community Service Award is given to Dr Clive Neal, lunar scientist from Notre-Dame University, for his services to the community, lunar list register, and leadership of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group.
The ILEWG Commerce Award & Outreach Award are given to the Google Lunar X- Prize Competition, for initiating the challenge of a commercial robotic race to the Moon to land a privately funded robotic rover on the Moon that is capable of completing several mission objectives. It will inspire engineers and entrepreneurs from around the world to develop low-cost methods of robotic space exploration. It has generated a huge interest for the Moon and space exploration in the public and the media. It received also the Young Lunar Explorers award 2008.
The prize was presented to Dr William Pomerantz, Director of Space Projects at the X- Prize foundation.
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ILEWG: International Lunar Exploration Working Group